Corney is Coming

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Corney is Coming
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Sheet Music for "Corney is Coming"Corney is Comingreel0554502530252452055450235230250412055450253025245205545023523025552302554502352523502304050235252305325521252525230403305023552305305503053055550554502530252452055450235230250412055450253025245205545025304505530450550545252523502304054525235325521252525252304030405023523532550353255Discography: Planxty.Transcription: id:hn-reel-89
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Abc notation for Corney is Coming
X:1003 T:Corney is Coming R:reel D:Planxty. Z:id:hn-reel-89 M:C| K:D
Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg | afge fdec | Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg |1 afge fdd2 :|2 afge fddc || |: defg afdB | =cdef ge^ce | defg afdf | geag fddf | afdf ~a3f | gece g2ge | defg a2af |1 geag eddA :|2 geag edd2 ||variations |: Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defg | afge fdec | Addc defd | =cABG EFGE | Addc defd |1 gecd edd2 :|2 gecd eddA || |: dcdf afdB | =cdef ge^ce | dcdf ~a3f | g2ag fddf | afdf afdf | gece gece | defg ~a3f |1 g2ag fddA :|2 g2ag fdd2 ||