Paddy Fahy's Reel #1

A reel in the key of Ddor

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Paddy Fahy's Reel #1
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Sheet Music for "Paddy Fahy's Reel #1"Paddy Fahy's Reel #1Paddy Fahey'sreelPaddy Fahy020323505545501051053053053052020323505545501051053053053000551505353235305515053235055530023053053052020323505545variations020323505405450151053053053052020323505405450153105305305300055152532352353055552532350530535023053053052020323505405Transcription: id:hn-reel-113
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Abc notation for Paddy Fahy's Reel #1
X:1027 T:Paddy Fahy's Reel #1 T:Paddy Fahey's R:reel C:Paddy Fahy Z:id:hn-reel-113 M:C| K:Ddor
D2A,D FEFG | Add^c d2de | fedf edcA | dcAG FDCE | D2A,D FEFG | Add^c d2de | fedf edcA | dcAG FDD2 :| |: Ad~d2 fded | c2Gc EcGc | Ad~d2 fded | cBcd ed~d2 | a2ge ABcA | dcAG FDCE | D2A,D FEFG | Add^c d4 :| P:variations |: D2A,D FEFG | Ad^ce dcde | f2df edcA | dcAG FDCE | D2A,D FEFG | Ad^ce dcde | fagf edcA | dcAG FDD2 :| |: Ad~d2 fdBd | cBcG EFGc | Ad~d2 adBd | cBcd edcA | a2ga ABcA | dcAG FDCA, | D2A,D FEFG | Ad^ce d4 :|