The Yellow Cow

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Yellow Cow
The words are from CRE II, 259 (Micho Russell) See also #795
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Sheet Music for "The Yellow Cow"The Yellow CowIs Trua gan Peata 'n Mhaoir agamPeata Beag is a MháthairThe Mother and Child Reelreel0524002450245205240024520120245032504540240024503250450425045variations052400425525504524204245201240024503202540520024503250450525045Is trua gan peata 'n mhaoir agam (3 times)'S na caoire beaga bána.Is ó goirim, goirim thú,Is grá mo chroí gan cheilg thú,Is ó goirim, goirim thú,Is tú peata beag do mháthar.I wish I had a bainbhín,a bainbhín, a bainbhín,I wish I had a bainbhín,that would drink the pratie water.Discography: Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey: Lead the KnaveTranscription: id:hn-reel-129History:The words are from CRE II, 259 (Micho Russell)See also #795
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Yellow Cow
X:1043 T:Yellow Cow, The T:Is Trua gan Peata 'n Mhaoir agam T:Peata Beag is a Mh\'athair T:Mother and Child Reel, The R:reel H:The words are from CRE II, 259 (Micho Russell) H:See also #795 D:Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey: Lead the Knave Z:id:hn-reel-129 M:C| K:D
A2GE FD~D2 | EFGD EFGE | A2GE FD~D2 | EFGE A4 :| |: ~A3B cdeg | fdec dcAB | cAAB cdeg |1 fdec d2ec :|2 fdec d4 || P:variations |: A2GE FDDF | EG~G2 EG~G2 | AFGE FEDF | EFGE A4 :| |: cAAB cdeg | ~f2ef dcAG | EAAB cdeg |1 fdec d2ed :|2 fdec d4 || W:Is trua gan peata 'n mhaoir agam (3 times) W:'S na caoire beaga b\'ana. W: Is \'o goirim, goirim th\'u, W: Is gr\'a mo chro\'i gan cheilg th\'u, W: Is \'o goirim, goirim th\'u, W: Is t\'u peata beag do mh\'athar. W:I wish I had a bainbh\'in, W:a bainbh\'in, a bainbh\'in, W:I wish I had a bainbh\'in, W:that would drink the pratie water.
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0:00  ( BPM)
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