The Yellow Tinker

A reel in the key of Gmix

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Yellow Tinker
There is also a G major version, #452. Related to #394, #788.
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Sheet Music for "The Yellow Tinker"The Yellow Tinkerreel120550230055052505502303030320303032313255525253502352555523530303023350235235325303312525235252352532352523501530302355010153030553Discography: Matt Molloy: Heathery BreezeTranscription: id:hn-reel-168History:There is also a G major version, #452. Related to #394, #788.
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Yellow Tinker
X:1082 T:Yellow Tinker, The R:reel H:There is also a G major version, #452. Related to #394, #788. D:Matt Molloy: Heathery Breeze Z:id:hn-reel-168 M:C| K:Gmix
DG~G2 DEFA | DG~G2 DGBG | DG~G2 DEFA |1 cAFA c2BA :|2 cAFA c2Bc || |: dG~G2 BGBd | g2de ^fgaf |1 dG~G2 d2 (3Bcd | cAFA cABc :|2 g2de ^fgaf | g2ag ^fdcA || |: d2BG (3Bcd BG | (3Bcd BG c2Bc |1 d2BG Bcde | fdcA FABc :|2 d2de fefd | cAFA G2GF ||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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