O'Rourke's Reel
A reel in the key of Amix
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for O'Rourke's Reel
See also "Westport Chorus", #331, "Four Courts", #827, "Green Pigeon", #900
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Use LoopTube, a YouTube Looper tool to repeat parts of the tune so you can learn them. Slow it down to a suitable speed so you can practice:
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for O'Rourke's Reel
T:O'Rourke's Reel
H:See also "Westport Chorus", #331, "Four Courts", #827,
H:"Green Pigeon", #900
(3cBA eA fAed|cAec dfed|cA~A2 fd~d2|1 fage d2ed:|2 fage d2ef||
g2fg ~e3f|gfed eaaf|gefd ed (3Bcd|fage d2ef|
g2fg ~e3f|gfed ea~a2|bgaf gfed|eaag aged||