George Peoples'

A reel in the key of Ddor

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for George Peoples'
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for George Peoples'
X:1192 T:George Peoples' R:reel C:Seamus Gibson Z:id:hn-reel-278 M:C| K:Ddor
A,DDE FEDB,|C2EG ~c3B|cAGE CDEG|AcGE CDEC| A,DDE FEDB,|C2EC A,B,CA,|~_B,3C DEFG|1 (3ABc GE EDDC:|2 (3ABc GE EDD2|| |:Addc dfed|dcAB cAGE|~F3E FAcd|efed cAGc| Addc dfed|dcAB cAGc|dfed dcAB|1 cAGE D4:|2 cAGE D2 (3EFG|| |:Addc defg|ad~d2 c'dbd|adde cdef|gc~c2 AcGc| Addc dfed|dcAB cAGc|dfed dcAB|1 cAGE D2 (3EFG:|2 cAGE D2DC||
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