The Poppy Leaf

A hornpipe in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Poppy Leaf
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Sheet Music for "The Poppy Leaf"The Poppy Leafhornpipe3335420405405205255253053232054504020542040540520525525305323024525235252523575320532304030235320532033333320250232302353523505323523040525Transcription: id:hn-hornpipe-11
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Poppy Leaf
X:122 T:Poppy Leaf, The R:hornpipe Z:id:hn-hornpipe-11 M:C| K:G
(3CB,A,|G,B,DG B,DGB|DGBd GBdg|edcB cBAG|FGAF (3DED (3CB,A,| G,B,DG B,DGB|DGBd GBdg|edcB cDEF|G2B2 G2:| |:Bc|dBGB dBgd|bagf edcB|cAFA cAfg|agfe dcBA| (3BAB (3GAB (3cBc (3ABc|(3dcd (3Bcd e2dc|BgdB cAFA|G2B2 G2:|
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