The Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to Shetland

A reel in the key of A

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to Shetland
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Abc notation for The Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to Shetland
X:1244 T:Cape Breton Fiddler's Welcome to Shetland, The T:Cape Breton Fiddlers' Welcome to the Shetland Isles, The R:reel C:Willie Hunter (1933-1994), Shetland Z:id:hn-reel-330 M:C| K:A
EC~C2 DCB,C|A,B,CE FECE|FBBA BcBA|Bffe ~f3g| ac~c2 eA~A2|cBAF EC~C2|FGAF Eaaf|1 ecBc A2AF:|2 ecBc A2fg|| |:ae~e2 efed|ce~e2 fece|bffe fgfe|defd B2fg| ae~e2 efed|ce~e2 fece|1 fdge afed|cdBc A2fg:|2 fdec dBcA|Bagf eAGF|| P:variations |:EC~C2 DCB,C|~A,3B, CE~E2|FBBA B2AB|cffe ~f3g| ac~c2 ecAB|cBAF EA,CE|FAAF Eagf|1 ecdB A2AF:|2 ecdB Aefg|| |:aeed efed|cAce aece|bffe fgfe|defd Befg| aeed efed|cAce aece|1 fAgA afed|cdBc Aefg:|2 fAgA afec|Bagf edcB|| P:whistle version |:AE~E2 dcBc|~A3e fece|fBBA ~B3A|B2fe fBge| acef eA~A2|cBAF eAce|~f3d eaaf|1 ecdB ~A3B:|2 ecdB ~A3e|| |:aee^d efe=d|ce~e2 fece|bffe f2ef|defd Befe| aee^d efe=d|ce~e2 fece|1 ~f3e afed|cABc ~A3e:|2 ~f3e afec|Bagf edcB||
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