Lucky in Love

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Lucky in Love
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Lucky in Love
X:1265 T:Lucky in Love R:reel D:John McKenna D:Conal O'Grada: Top of Coom Z:id:hn-reel-351 M:C| K:G
~g3d BGGA|BGdB cA~A2|~g3d ~B3d|1 cAdc BG~G2:|2 cAdc BGGA|| |:(3BAG dG eGdG|BGdB cA~A2|1 BGdG eGdB|cedc BGGA:|2 GABd e2ag|fdef gaba|| P:Variations |:gagd BGGA|BGdB cA~A2|g2gd BGAB|1 cBAc BG~G2:|2 cBAc BGGA|| |:BGdG eGdG|BGdB cAAc|1 BGdG eBdB|cBAc BGGA:|2 BGBd eaag|fdef gbaf||
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