John Dwyer's

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for John Dwyer's
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Sheet Music for "John Dwyer's"John Dwyer'sreelJohn Dwyer (1933-)305220500522525202052025023023522050052252520220230520453573373535225252733530505535235733530233052502023052045variations30522520252252520205202502323522520252252502023052045357337353522525273373530553535733530233052502023052045Transcription: id:hn-reel-357
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for John Dwyer's
X:1271 T:John Dwyer's R:reel C:John Dwyer (1933-) Z:id:hn-reel-357 M:C| K:G
ge|dBBA GD~D2|GB~B2 dBGB|~A3B AGED|EGAB cABc| dBBA GD~D2|GB~B2 dBGB|ABBA B2ge|dBAF G2:| |:ga|bg~g2 bgdg|af~f2 afdf|bg~g2 aged|eaag afga| bg~g2 agef|g2ge dBGA|~B3A B2ge|dBAF G2:| P:variations |:ge|dB~B2 GEDE|GB~B2 dBGB|~A3B AGED|EGAB c2Bc| dB~B2 GEDE|GB~B2 dBGA|~B3A B2ge|dBAF G2:| |:ga|bg~g2 bgdg|af~f2 afdf|bg~g2 bgag|eaag a2ga| bg~g2 agef|g2ge dBGA|~B3A B2ge|dBAF G2:|
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0:00  ( BPM)
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