Ríl Mhór

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Ríl Mhór
See also #801 (parts in the reversed order)
Need a tuner?
Sheet Music for "Ríl Mhór"Ríl MhórRíl Mhór Bhaile An ChalaidhThe Big ReelThe Big Reel of Ballynacallyreel3323235325532353253025532351113150355020530545054505505305450545055053054504055053054502305502555053055Discography: Chieftains: LiveTranscription: id:hn-reel-386History:See also #801 (parts in the reversed order)
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Ríl Mhór
X:1300 T:R\'il Mh\'or T:R\'il Mh\'or Bhaile An Chalaidh T:Big Reel, The T:Big Reel of Ballynacally, The R:reel H:See also #801 (parts in the reversed order) D:Chieftains: Live Z:id:hn-reel-386 M:C| K:G
g2gf ~g3f|g2ag fd~d2|g2fg ~a3g|fdcA BG~G2| g2fg a=f~f2|=fgfd ~e3c|d2de ^fedc|AGFG AGFG|| DG~G2 A2dc|AGFG AGFG|DG~G2 A2dc|AGFG A3F| DG~G2 A2dc|AGFG ABcA|d2de fd~d2|dedc AG~G2||
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