A Ghost of His Former Self
A reel in the key of D
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for A Ghost of His Former Self
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for A Ghost of His Former Self
T:A Ghost of His Former Self
C:Larry McCullough
D:Light through the Leaves
B|AF~F2 ~E3F|~F2DE FA~A2|Be~e2 fedB|ABBA d2AD|
EFED ~E3F|~F2DE FA~A2|Be~e2 fedB|AFED ~E3A||
~F3D ~E3F|~F2DE FA~A2|Be~e2 fedB|ABBA d2FD|
EF~F2 ~E3F|~F2DE FA~A2|Be~e2 fedB|AFED ~E3z||
fe~e2 fedB|fede fbaf|fe~e2 fedB|~A3B dABd|
fe~e2 dB~B2|~f3e fa~a2|bf~f2 afed|Bd~d2 de~e2|
fe~e2 fedB|~f3e fbaf|fe~e2 fedB|AB~B2 d2 (3Bcd|
fe~e2 dB~B2|~f3e fa~a2|bf~f2 ~a3b|afed e3||