The Belles of Tipperary

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Belles of Tipperary
See also #633
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Sheet Music for "The Belles of Tipperary"The Belles of TipperaryThe New PolicemanThe Bells of Tipperaryreel02202405205220204025020502005000240520522020402520425400325552523205245023323753255203205220440440252520252040553255variations0440240502052202502502525200022024052052202502520425400255752523205450230235732520320522520420442025252025204053255Transcription: id:hn-reel-515History:See also #633
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Belles of Tipperary
X:1429 T:Belles of Tipperary, The T:New Policeman, The T:Bells of Tipperary, The R:reel H:See also #633 Z:id:hn-reel-515 M:C| K:D
DA,~A,2 DEFA|d2fe dBBA|B2AF ABde|fede fe~e2| dA~A2 DEFA|d2fe dBBA|B2AF ABdB|AFEG FDD2:| |:fa~a2 afdf|gfed (3Bcd ef|g2gf gbag|faaf egfe| dB~B2 AF~F2|DF~F2 ABdf|afef dBAF|Adag fd~d2:| P:variations |:DF~F2 DEFA|defe dBBA|~B3d ABde|fafd fe~e2| DA,~A,2 DEFA|d2fe dBBA|~B3d ABdB|AFEG FDD2:| |:faab afdf|gfed cdef|g2ef gabg|f2af egfe| dBBd BAFE|DFFB ABdf|afef dBAF|A2ag fd~d2:|
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0:00  ( BPM)
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