The Jolly Seven

A reel in the key of Ador

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Jolly Seven
Belongs to the "Highlander Kissed His Granny" family. Other related tunes are "John Stenson's" #392 "The Gravel Walks" #60, "The Highlandman That Kissed His Granny" #567, "The Highlandman" highland#10
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Jolly Seven
X:1473 T:Jolly Seven, The R:reel H:Belongs to the "Highlander Kissed His Granny" family. H:Other related tunes are "John Stenson's" #392 H:"The Gravel Walks" #60, "The Highlandman That Kissed His Granny" #567, H:"The Highlandman" highland#10 Z:id:hn-reel-559 M:C| K:Ador
cAeA cAeA|cAeA BAGB|1 cBAB cdef|gfge dBGB:|2 cBAG ABcd|e=fed cAAB|| |:c2ec gcec|c2ec dBGB|1 c2ec gcef|gfge dBGB:|2 cBAG ABcd|e=fed cAAB|| P:variations |:cAeA cAeA|cAeA dBGB|1 cAeA cdef|gfgd BAGB:|2 cBAG ABcd|eged cBAB|| |:c2ec gcec|c2ec BAGB|1 c2ec gcec|gfgd BAGB:|2 cBAG ABcd|eged cAAB||
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