Lead the Knave

A reel in the key of Dm

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Lead the Knave
The Joyce collection was printed in 1909, so whatever Arty McGlynn claims, he did NOT compose this tune.
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Lead the Knave
X:1475 T:Lead the Knave T:Johnny from Gandsey R:reel H:The Joyce collection was printed in 1909, so whatever Arty McGlynn claims, H:he did NOT compose this tune. B:Joyce collection #21 (Johnny from Gandsey), in Am D:Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey: Lead the Knave Z:id:hn-reel-561 M:C| K:Dm
A,D~D2 DFED|CA,G,A, ~C3G,|A,D~D2 FDCA,|CDFG ~A3d| dcAd dcAG|FDCD ~F3G|ABAG GFDC|1 A,G,A,C D3C:|2 A,G,A,C D3d|| |:dcAd dcAd|dcA=B ~c3d|dcAG FDCA,|CDFG ~A3d| dcAd dcAG|FDCD ~F3G|ABAG GFDC|1 A,G,A,C D3d:|2 A,G,A,C D3C||
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