Andy Dickson's

A reel in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Andy Dickson's
A reel version of jig#296, "Brennan's Favourite". Fiddle player Andy Dickson from Belfast made the reel from the jig
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Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Andy Dickson's
X:1526 T:Andy Dickson's R:reel H:A reel version of jig#296, "Brennan's Favourite". H:Fiddle player Andy Dickson from Belfast made the reel from the jig Z:id:hn-reel-612 M:C| K:D
EF~F2 FEDE|FAAB AFEF|DEFA dBAF|FEED EGFE| EF~F2 FEDE|F2AB AFEF|DEFA dBAF|EDCE D4:| |:ef~f2 edce|dF~F2 BFAF|ef~f2 edce|dfab a2ag| ef~f2 edce|dF~F2 BFAF|DEFA dBAF|EDCE D4:| P:variations |:F2FE FEDE|FAdB AF~F2|D2FA dBAF|GEED EFDE| ~F3E FEDE|FAdB AF~F2|D2FA dBAF|GECE D4:| |:fd~d2 edce|dF~F2 BAAd|fd~d2 edcA|Bdgb a2ag| fd~d2 edce|dF~F2 BAAF|DEFA dBAF|EDCE D4:|
midi player