Captain Kelly

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Captain Kelly
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Sheet Music for "Captain Kelly"Captain Kellyreel52045305203252452045305203255435235305203252452045305203255537353730353035537353730325305373537303530353525055503253052variations5204530520325245204530520320543523530522025245204530520325535373537303053035037537303253053735373035303535052503253052Discography: Matt Molloy & Sean Keane: Contentment is WealthTranscription: id:hn-reel-676
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Captain Kelly
X:1590 T:Captain Kelly R:reel D:Matt Molloy & Sean Keane: Contentment is Wealth Z:id:hn-reel-676 M:C| K:G
GBAF G2ge|dBAc BGEF|GBAF G2ge|dBAc BGGF| ~G2 (3Bcd ~g3e|dBAc BGEF|GBAF G2ge|dBAc BG~G2|| dgbg agbg|egdg egd2|dgbg agbg|egfa ~g3e| dgbg agbg|egdg egd2|gGfG eGdG|egfa gedB|| P:variations GBAF G2ge|dBAc BGEF|GBAF G2ge|dBAc BAGF| ~G2 (3Bcd ~g3e|dBBA BGEF|GBAF G2ge|dBAc BG~G2|| dgbg agbg|(3ege dg egde|~g3b agbg|egfa ~g3e| dgbg agbg|egdg egd2|~g3d edBd|egfa gedB||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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