Miss McKnight's

A reel in the key of Ador

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Miss McKnight's
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Sheet Music for "Miss McKnight's"Miss McKnight'sreel330305200525052500305202505530525035200525052505025250352200502525357535753055250300520502525357535753055250352200Transcription: id:hn-reel-702
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Miss McKnight's
X:1616 T:Miss McKnight's R:reel Z:id:hn-reel-702 M:C| K:Ador
(3ege dB A2AG|EGDG EGD2|(3ege dB A2Bd|eaag edBd| egdB A2AG|EGDG EGD2|~G3A BGBd|egdB BAA2:| |:~G3A BGBd|~g3a baga|bage dGBd|e2ge edBA| ~G3A BGBd|~g3a baga|bage dGBd|egdB BAA2:|
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