The Tempest

A reel in the key of Dmix by Live recording of Matt Molloy from Miltown -82

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Tempest
See also #282. I'm not sure exactly what grace notes he's using (e.g. c or B), but the ones I've written out should give you an idea, anyway.
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Sheet Music for "The Tempest"The Tempestreel= 105350530352202325232053052320205002003555253052202232202350535020500200350530352202325230530523202050020035552530522022322023052350205002003505053053030522550535025053058533023535053030530220230352350205002003350505305303050305225505350250530585330235350530305302202350535020500200Source: Live recording of Matt Molloy from Miltown -82Transcription: id:hn-reel-722History:See also #282.I'm not sure exactly what grace notes he's using (e.g. c or B),but the ones I've written out should give you an idea, anyway.
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Tempest
X:1636 T:Tempest, The R:reel S:Live recording of Matt Molloy from Miltown -82 H:See also #282. H:I'm not sure exactly what grace notes he's using (e.g. c or B), H:but the ones I've written out should give you an idea, anyway. Z:id:hn-reel-722 M:C| Q:1/2=105 K:Dmix
(3ded cA {c}GE~E2|DEcE dEcE|AdcA GEcE|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2| (3d{a}d{f}d cA GE~E2|DE~E2 cE~E2|DE=FG AGcG|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2| (3ded cA {c}GE~E2|DEcE dE.c2|AdcA GEcE|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2| (3d{a}d{f}d cA GE~E2|DE~E2 cE~E2|DE=FA GEcG|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2|| (3ded ed cAGc|JA2cA GE~E2|.d2{a}ed cde^f|{a}edcA .d2{c'}ag| (3e^fg dg {a}edcA|cAGc AE~E2|DE=FA {c}GEcG|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2| (3ded ed cAGc|(3A{c}A{G}A cA GE~E2|.d2{a}ed cde^f|{a}edce .d2{c'}ag| (3e^fg dg {a}edcA|cAGc AE~E2|DE=FG AGcG|{A}EDCD {A}ED.D2||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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