Bonaparte's Retreat
A set dance in the key of G
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Bonaparte's Retreat
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Bonaparte's Retreat
T:Bonaparte's Retreat
R:set dance
D:Paddy Glackin: Ceol ar an bhFidil le Paddy Glackin
DGGF GBAG|FAde fefg|agfa gfde|fdcA (3BAG (3cAF|
DGGF GBAG|FAde fefg|agfd cAFG|1 AGGF G2 (3GFE:|2 AGGF G2de||
|:fefg f2 (3def|gfga gfde|fgag fdcA|(3GFG AF GFED|
f2fg f2 (3def|gfga g2fg|agbg ag (3fga|g2 (3agf g2fg|
agbg agfd|f2fa gfde|fgag fdcA|(3GFG AF GFDC|
DGGF GBAG|FAde fefg|agfa gfde|fdcA BGAF|
DGGF GBAG|FAde fefg|agfd cAFG|1 (3ABA GF G2de:|2 (3ABA GF G2 (3GFE||