The Golden Eagle

A hornpipe in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Golden Eagle
Also played in A, #79
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Sheet Music for "The Golden Eagle"The Golden Eaglehornpipe332054052052552537532052304052054203203540520525525375320523040505405377772627532060232345040532005405573852545023235735320523040505405Transcription: id:hn-hornpipe-93History:Also played in A, #79
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Golden Eagle
X:204 T:Golden Eagle, The R:hornpipe H:Also played in A, #79 Z:id:hn-hornpipe-93 M:C| K:G
BA|GB,DG BDGB|dGBd gbag|fedB cAFA|GBAG (3FED (3cBA| GB,DG BDGB|dGBd gbag|fedB cAFA|(3GAG FA G2:| |:(3bbb|bB^df bagf|e^def gfg^g|aA^ce agfe|ed^ce d2ab| c'afd ^cdef|gfga bgag|fedB cAFA|(3GAG FA G2:|
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0:00  ( BPM)
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