The Gleanntan Frolics

A slide in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Gleanntan Frolics
See also jig#385 "Westering Home"
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Sheet Music for "The Gleanntan Frolics"The Gleanntan Frolicsslide52040550502302052021252040545027525020520502373020252023202052021252040545027525020502052variations0200405050502320205201252040505027525052020502357532525320252025201252040505027525050202052Transcription: id:hn-slide-65History:See also jig#385 "Westering Home"
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Gleanntan Frolics
X:2097 T:Gleanntan Frolics, The R:slide H:See also jig#385 "Westering Home" Z:id:hn-slide-65 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D
d2B AFA | d3 d2A | def g2e | fed BAB | d2B AFA | d2c d2e | f2b afd |1 efe d2B :|2 ~e3 def|| |: ~g3 bge | fef a2f | e2f gfe | fed BAB | d2B AFA | d2c d2e | f2b afd |1 efe def :|2 ~e3 d2B || P:variations |: ABA AFA | d2A d2A | def gfe | fed B2A | d2B AFA | d2A d2e | f2b afd |1 ~e3 d2B :|2 efe def|| |: g2a bag | fdf agf | e2f a2f | efd B2A | d2B AFA | d2A d2e | f2b afd |1 ~e3 def :|2 efe d2B ||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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