The Rising of the Moon

A song in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Rising of the Moon
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Abc notation for The Rising of the Moon
X:2242 T:Rising of the Moon, The R:song C:Words by John Keegan Casey (1866) Z:id:hn-song-70 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=90 K:D
DE | FF FF | F<A AF | FE EE | E2 A>A | BG dc | BA FD | ED D>E | D2 DE | FF FF | FA AF | FE EE | E2 A>A | BG d>c | BA FD | ED D>E | D2 || DE | FF F>F | (FA) A>F | FE E>E | E2 AA | BG d>c | BA FD | ED D>E | D2 || W:Oh, then tell me Sean O'Farrell, tell me why you hurry so. W:Hush me buachaill, hush and listen, and his cheeks were all a-glow. W:I bear orders from the captain, get ye ready quick and soon, W:For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon. W: W:By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon, W:For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon. W: W:Oh, then tell me Sean O'Farrell, where the gathering is to be, W:At the old spot by the river, quite well known to you and me. W:One more word for signal token, whistle out the marching tune W:With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon. W: W:By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon, W:With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon. W: W:Out from many a mud wall cabin eyes were watching through the night W:Many a manly heart was beating [throbbing] for the blessed morning light W:Murmurs rang along the valley to the banshees lonely croon W:And a thousand pikes were flashing by the rising of the moon. W: W:By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon, W:And a thousand pikes were flashing by the rising of the moon. W: W:All along that singing river that black mass of men was seen W:High above their shining weapons flew their own beloved green W:Death to every foe and traitor! Whistle out the marching tune W:And hurrah, me boys, for freedom, 'tis the rising of the moon W: W:'Tis the rising of the moon, 'tis the rising of the moon W:And hurrah, me boys, for freedom, 'tis the rising of the moon
midi player