The Irish Washerwoman

A jig in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Irish Washerwoman
Bar 3 also played |cAA =FAA| or |cAA EAA| or |cAA DAA|
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Sheet Music for "The Irish Washerwoman"The Irish Washerwomanjig2550552525323004003030531225505525253232305325550255502323535375320252525321203353333323332305325550225550variations25052525323230403030531225505525253232305325555325555352525375325505525320335333332333230532555335252537532505252532023753230532323023502353Some verses set to this tune:1. When I was at home I was merry and frisky,My dad kept a pig and my mother sold whiskey.2. O'Reely is dead and O'Reilly don't know itO'Reilly is dead and O'Reely don't know itThey're both lying dead in the very same bedAnd neither one knows that the other one's dead.Transcription: id:hn-jig-2History:Bar 3 also played |cAA =FAA| or |cAA EAA| or |cAA DAA|
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Irish Washerwoman
X:251 T:Irish Washerwoman, The R:jig H:Bar 3 also played |cAA =FAA| or |cAA EAA| or |cAA DAA| Z:id:hn-jig-2 M:6/8 K:G
BGG DGG|BGB dcB|cAA FAA|cAc edc| BGG DGG|BGB dcB|cBc Adc|1 BGG G2A:|2 BGG Gef|| |:gfg ~d3|gdg bag|fef ~d3|fdf agf| egg dgg|cgg Bgg|cBc Adc|1 BGG Gef:|2 BGG G2A|| P:variations |:~B3 GDG|BGB dcB|cBc AFA|cAc edc| BGG DGG|BGB dcB|cBc Adc|1 BGG Gdc:|2 BGG G2d|| gdB GBd|~g3 bag|fdd Add|~f3 agf| egg dgg|cgg Bgg|cBc Adc|BGG G2g| gdB GBd|~g3 bag|~f3 dAd|fdf agf| efg bag|fge dcB|cBc ABc|def gdc|| W:Some verses set to this tune: W:1. When I was at home I was merry and frisky, W: My dad kept a pig and my mother sold whiskey. W: W:2. O'Reely is dead and O'Reilly don't know it W: O'Reilly is dead and O'Reely don't know it W: They're both lying dead in the very same bed W: And neither one knows that the other one's dead.
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0:00  ( BPM)
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