Tripping Up the Stairs

A jig in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Tripping Up the Stairs
Also known as Tripping Upstairs
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Sheet Music for "Tripping Up the Stairs"Tripping Up the StairsTripping Upstairsjig124005224052054240245205054005224052054240245205052054125222222522054000000200545222222522054240245205452050Variations:124045250552054540245205054045250552054540245205052054125222232205420002005452222322054540245205452050Transcription: id:hn-jig-47
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Tripping Up the Stairs
X:296 T:Tripping Up the Stairs T:Tripping Upstairs R:jig Z:id:hn-jig-47 M:6/8 K:D
FAA GBB|FAd fed|cBc ABc|dfe dAG|FAA GBB|FAd fed|cBc ABc|1 dfe d2A:|2 dfe d2c|| |:dBB fBB|faf fed|cAA eAA|efe edc|dBB fBB|faf fed|cBc ABc|1 dfe d2c:|2 dfe d2A|| P:Variations: |:FAF GBG|Add fed|cdc ABc|dfe dAG|FAF GBG|Add fed|cdc ABc|1 dfe d2A:|2 dfe d2c|| |:dBB ~f3|fgf fed|cBA ~e3|efe edc|dBB ~f3|fgf fed|cdc ABc|1 dfe d2c:|2 dfe d2A||
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