The Black Rogue

A jig in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Black Rogue
Also in Dmix, #345
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Sheet Music for "The Black Rogue"The Black Roguejig5400205400054002050400540020540004052050400023235254202523525523523202050254002050400Discography: Tommy Keane and Jacqueline McCarthy: Wind among the ReedsTranscription: id:hn-jig-149History:Also in Dmix, #345
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Abc notation for The Black Rogue
X:398 T:Black Rogue, The R:jig H:Also in Dmix, #345 D:Tommy Keane and Jacqueline McCarthy: Wind among the Reeds Z:id:hn-jig-149 M:6/8 K:D
d|cAA BAG|cAA A2d|cAA BAG|AFD D2d|cAA BAG|cAA AFD|~G3 BAG|AFD D2:| |:e|~f3 gfg|afd cBA|faf ~g3|afd dfg|a2f gfe|fed efd|cAA BAG|AFD D2:|