The Maid on the Green
A jig in the key of G
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Maid on the Green
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Abc notation for The Maid on the Green
T:Maid on the Green, The
D:Mary Bergin: Feadoga Stain 2
D:Paul McGrattan: The Frost Is All Over
~g3 e2d|Bee dBA|BGG dGG|BAG ABd|~g3 e2d|Bee dBA|BGG dBA|AGF GBd:|
|:~g3 afd|~g3 a2f|~g3 eag|fdd dga|bag agf|~g3 e2d|Bee dBA|BGF GBd:|
P:Version 2:
|:~g3 eBd|Bee dBA|BGG dBG|BAG A (3Bcd|g2g (3efe d|BeB dBA|BGG dBA|AGF G (3Bcd:|
|:~g3 afd|~g3 a2a|bag agf|gef g2a|bag agf|~g3 e2d|Bee dBA|AGF GBd:|