Pipe on the Hob
A jig in the key of Ador
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Pipe on the Hob
There is another tune by the same name, #29
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Pipe on the Hob
T:Pipe on the Hob
H:There is another tune by the same name, #29
D:Bothy Band: Out of the Wind, into the Sun
c3 edc|edc BAG|~A3 ~g3|eae ged|c3 edc|edc deg|age dBe|1 ~A3 A2B:|2 ~A3 A2f||
|:~g3 gea|age edB|~A3 ~g3|aba gef|~g3 gea|age deg|age dBe|1 ~A3 A2f:|2 ~A3 A2B||
|:c3 dcd|ecA AGE|c3 dcd|ecA A2B|c3 dcd|ede gab|age dBe|~A3 A2B:|
|:c3 edc|edc BAG|~A3 ~g3|eae ged|c3 edc|edc deg|age dBe|1 ~A3 A2B:|2 ~A3 A2f||
|:~g3 gea|age edB|~A3 ~g3|eaa gef|~g3 gea|age deg|age dBe|1 ~A3 A2f:|2 ~A3 A2B||
|:c3 dcd|ecA AGE|c3 dcd|ecA A2B|c3 dcd|ede gab|age dBe|~A3 A2B:|