Mick Carr's

A barndance in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Mick Carr's
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Sheet Music for "Mick Carr's"Mick Carr'sbarndance33055252353525335040233502353225313230552523535253350245023050540555505405235053255250523023532033035305231323505325525052323023053205054052350540555Discography: Terry BinghamTranscription: id:hn-barndance-18
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Mick Carr's
X:45 T:Mick Carr's R:barndance D:Terry Bingham Z:id:hn-barndance-18 M:C| L:1/8 K:G
DGGB d2 (3Bcd | gdBG c2cd | DFAB c2cd | (3efg dc B2Bd | DGGB d2 (3Bcd | gdBG c2cd | DEFG ABcA |1 (3GAG FA G2Gd :|2 (3GAG FA G2Bc || |: dedc BGGB | dedB g2AB | cdcB A=FFA | cdcA d2Bc | dedc BGGB | dedB g2fg | efge dcBA |1 (3GAG FA G2Bc :|2 (3GAG FA G2Gd ||
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