Connie the Soldier

A jig in the key of Amix

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Connie the Soldier
Related to The Southwest Wind, #159 Related to Jackson's Trip to Dover, #120 Related to Connie the Soldier, #440
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Sheet Music for "Connie the Soldier"Connie the Soldierjig2000254052024524520452012200025405254240254000240000205545205502050540000122350232052054240254000040002Discography: John McKennaPatrick Street 2Transcription: id:hn-jig-212History:Related to The Southwest Wind, #159Related to Jackson's Trip to Dover, #120Related to Connie the Soldier, #440
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Connie the Soldier
X:461 T:Connie the Soldier R:jig H:Related to The Southwest Wind, #159 H:Related to Jackson's Trip to Dover, #120 H:Related to Connie the Soldier, #440 D:John McKenna D:Patrick Street 2 Z:id:hn-jig-212 M:6/8 K:Amix
EAA ABd|cAG E2D|EFG EFG|EAF GED| EAA ABd|cAG E2d|cBc ABG|1 FDD D2E:|2 FDD D2e|| |:fed dcd|fed d2e|fed e2d|cAA A2e| fga efg|fed fed|cBc ABG|1 FDD D2e:|2 FDD D2E||
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