The Banks of Lough Gamhna

A jig in the key of Ador

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Banks of Lough Gamhna
See also #10
Need a tuner?
Sheet Music for "The Banks of Lough Gamhna"The Banks of Lough Gamhnajig020052202500523500530052202535030520503503335305350303535033353053503052050350333053053503305350330530535032052050Discography: Light Through the LeavesTranscription: id:hn-jig-216History:See also #10
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Banks of Lough Gamhna
X:465 T:Banks of Lough Gamhna, The R:jig H:See also #10 D:Light Through the Leaves Z:id:hn-jig-216 M:6/8 K:Ador
ABA AGE|EDE ~G3|~A3 AGE|cde edc| ~A3 AGE|EDE ~G3|cde ged|BAG ~A3:| cde g2g|~g2a ged|cde g2e|~g3 ~a3| cde g2g|~g2a ged|cde ged|BAG ~A3| cde g2g|gea ged|cde ~g3|~g2e ~a3| cde ~g3|gea ged|cde g/f/ed|BAG ~A3||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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