An Buachaill Dreoite

A jig in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for An Buachaill Dreoite
Also as fling#22
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Sheet Music for "An Buachaill Dreoite"An Buachaill DreoiteAn Buachaillin Dreoitejig05505055405505305405505055252325305450232353052525305450122323545023523253045030454variations0550505540550530540505505055250232530542020230530502525305420122023235450232553253055030554version 20550505540550530530512055050552502532530454304502023235055020252530545012202323545023523253045030454variations version 20550505540550530530512055050552523253055430550202323505502025253205245012202323545023523253055030554Discography: Tommy Keane & Jacqueline McCarthy: The Wind among the ReedsCatherine McEvoy, Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh & Mícheál Ó RaghallaighTranscription: id:hn-jig-264History:Also as fling#22
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for An Buachaill Dreoite
X:513 T:An Buachaill Dreoite T:An Buachaillin Dreoite R:jig H:Also as fling#22 D:Tommy Keane & Jacqueline McCarthy: The Wind among the Reeds D:Catherine McEvoy, Caoimh\'in \'O Raghallaigh & M\'iche\'al \'O Raghallaigh Z:id:hn-jig-264 M:6/8 K:G
DGG A2G | A2G ~G2F | DGG A2G | cAG ~F3 | DGG A2G | A2G GBd | ~f3 gfd | cAG FGA :| |: ~B3 cBc | dcA ~G3 | ~B3 GBd | cAG FGA | ~B3 cBc | d^cd efg | a2f gfd |1 cAF G2A :|2 cAF G2F || P:variations |: DGG A2G | A2G G2F | DGG A2G | cAG FDC | DGG A2G | A2G GBd | e~f2 gfd | cAG FED :| |: BAB c2e | dcA ~G3 | A~B2 GBd | cAG FED | BAB cBc | d^cd efg | faa gfd |1 cAG G2A :|2 cAG G2F || P:version 2 |: DGG ~A2G | ~A2G ~G2F | DGG ~A2G | cAG =FDC | DGG ~A2G | ~A2G GBd | efd gfd |1 cAF G2F :|2 cAF G2A || |: BAB cBc | ded G2A | BAB GBd | cAG FGA | BAB cBc | d^cd efg | a2f gfd |1 cAF G2A :|2 cAF G2F || P:variations version 2 |: DGG ~A2G | ~A2G ~G2F | DGG ~A2G | cAG =FDC | DGG ~A2G | ~A2G GBd | ~f3 gfd |1 cAd G2F :|2 cAd G2A || |: BAB cBc | ded G2A | BAB GBd | c/B/AG E/F/GA | BAB cBc | d^cd efg | a2f gfd |1 cAd G2A :|2 cAd G2F ||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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