The Limerick Tinker
A jig in the key of Ador
Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Limerick Tinker
Also in Gdor, #294. See also "The Gold Ring", #104
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Limerick Tinker
T:Limerick Tinker, The
H:Also in Gdor, #294. See also "The Gold Ring", #104
|:A2B cBA|~B3 AGE|A2B cee|dBA ~G3|
A2B cBA|BAG Aef|gba ~g3|dBG G2B:|
|:efe edB|e2A ABd|efe edB|dBG ~G3|
efe edB|e2A Aef|gba g2e|dBG G2B:|
|:~c3 ~B3|e2A A2B|~c3 B2A|dBA ~G3|
cBA BAG|AGE GAB|gba g2e|dBG G2B:|
|:A2B cBA|BAG AGE|A2B cee|dBA ~G3|
A2B cBA|BAG Aef|gba gfe|dBG G2B:|
|:efe edB|e2A ABd|efe edB|dBG GBd|
efe edB|e2A Aef|gba ~g3|dBG G2B:|
|:c2A B2A|e2A A2B|c2A B2A|dBA GAB|
cBA BAG|AGE GAB|gba gfe|dBG G2B:|