Graham Townsend's Jig

A jig in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Graham Townsend's Jig
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Sheet Music for "Graham Townsend's Jig"Graham Townsend's Jigjig5502002405224055540055526122620405523040245420425553225200204204205553123253040405230402454204255Discography: Sharon ShannonTranscription: id:hn-jig-367
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Graham Townsend's Jig
X:616 T:Graham Townsend's Jig R:jig D:Sharon Shannon O:Cape Breton Z:id:hn-jig-367 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D
D2E FAd|~f3 f2c|edd dFA|AGG GEC| A,CE Ace|~a3 a2f|gec ABc|1 dFB AFE:|2 d3 dag|| |:~f3 fdB|~A3 A2B|AFB AFB|AGG G2g| gfa gec|Ace a2f|gec ABc|1 dFB AFE:|2 d3 d3||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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