The Maid Of Mount Kisco (Reel)

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Maid Of Mount Kisco (Reel)
in the set:
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Sheet Music for "MAID OF MOUNT KISCO (reel), TheC:P.Killoran (NY)"MAID OF MOUNT KISCO (reel), TheC:P.Killoran (NY)reelFoinn Seisiún= 1802002002002505255055255250520020020020250335230525201202520252505250252502305252053052505573530352502505573523050303thru1523050525025000023052520final252520Book: Book 2 Page 28aNotes:Source has "Maids" and "Cisco", both incorrect.
Use LoopTube, a YouTube Looper tool to repeat parts of the tune so you can learn them. Slow it down to a suitable speed so you can practice:
powered byLoopTube
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Maid Of Mount Kisco (Reel)
X:882058 T:MAID OF MOUNT KISCO (reel), TheC:P.Killoran (NY) C:Foinn Seisiún B:Book 2 Page 28a N:Source has "Maids" and "Cisco", both incorrect. M:C L:1/8 Q:1/4=180 R:reel K:G
EAA2 BAA2|EAA2 BGAG|EGG2 AGG2|EGG2 EGDG| EAA2 BAA2|EAA2 BABd|egg2 afge|dBGB A4 :| A3B dBAB|G2BG DGBG|A3B d2Bd|1 efge dBGB :|\ [2 edge d2|| |:Bd|eaa2 bgag|egdB GABd|eaa2 bgaf|gede g2eg| a3f g3e|dedB GABd|eAA2 efge|1 "thru"dBGB A2 :| [2 "final"dBGB A4-|A8|]