Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the Fair

A fling in the key of G by Jörgen Fischer for first version

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the Fair
Also known as Willie Clancy's
See also reel#170 "High Road to Linton", with reversed parts and in A
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Sheet Music for "Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the Fair"Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the FairWillie Clancy'sfling1522305505023055223550325505325033230530555230002052535505255053552530205053205253550525503575253252050553052503variations1522350552502005223503252520253230305252025525350525503525350352025525350525035735232050352025Source: Jörgen Fischer for first versionTranscription: id:hn-hf-13History:See also reel#170 "High Road to Linton",with reversed parts and in A
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the Fair
X:90 T:Kitty Got a Clinking Coming from the Fair T:Willie Clancy's R:fling S:J\"orgen Fischer for first version H:See also reel#170 "High Road to Linton", H:with reversed parts and in A Z:id:hn-hf-13 M:C| L:1/8 K:G
GB~B2 c3e | dG{A}GA B2{c}AG |1 GB~B2 cd{a}ec | d2{a}ed {c}BGD2 :|2 c2cB ce{a}ge | d2{a}dB {c}AD{A}ED || ~G2Bd g3d | {a}edBd de{a}gd | ~G2Bd ~g3e | ~f2ed ed{c}BA | ~G2Bd g3d | {a}edBd dega | {b}af{a}gf {a}fe{a}ed | {a}gedB deg2 || P:variations |: GB~B2 cded | dBGA BA~A2 |1 GB~B2 cdec | dBGB ABG2 :|2 c3B cege | dBGB ABG2 || G2Bd ~g3d | edBd deg2 | G2Bd ~g3d | egdB ABG2 | G2Bd ~g3d | e2dB dega | bgaf gfed | egdB ABG2 ||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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