Leather Away The Wattle-O

A polka in the key of D

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Leather Away The Wattle-O
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Sheet Music for "Leather Away The Wattle-O"Leather Away The Wattle-OLeather Away with the WattleThe Half Doorpolka50405452054502323523054045202054002225333022253202352305404520205400variations504054545054502305323054045202054002253302253202352305404520205400Transcription: id:hn-polka-125
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Leather Away The Wattle-O
X:909 T:Leather Away The Wattle-O T:Leather Away with the Wattle T:Half Door, The R:polka Z:id:hn-polka-125 M:2/4 L:1/8 K:D
dA FA | d>c df | ed cd | ef gf/g/ | af ge | dc AF | GB A/B/A/G/ | FD D2 :| |: f>f fd | g>g ge | f>f fa | gf ef/g/ | af ge | dc AF | GB A/B/A/G/ | FD D2 :| P:variations |: dA FA | d>c dc/d/ | ed cd | ef ge | a/g/f ge | dc AF | GB A/B/A/G/ | FD D2 :| |: f2 fd | g2 ge | f2 fa | gf ef/g/ | af ge | dc AF | GB A/B/A/G/ | FD D2 :|
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