Over the Moor to Maggie

A reel in the key of G

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for Over the Moor to Maggie
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Sheet Music for "Over the Moor to Maggie"Over the Moor to Maggiereel5025250230520520050205200500212502525023052052552505255450225545357352353052505535753055353512733522353052503373530332335033232503552330205200502052005023512035052300205255250525545252554502variations5020250530520520025052005035012545020250530520525525052554502255453573353023052505573530553573512735752353055250337353033233503323250350523002052002505200502351203552330205255250525545252554502Discography: Oisin: Over the Moor to Maggie.Music at Matt Molloy's.Transcription: id:hn-reel-8
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for Over the Moor to Maggie
X:922 T:Over the Moor to Maggie R:reel D:Oisin: Over the Moor to Maggie. D:Music at Matt Molloy's. Z:id:hn-reel-8 M:C| K:G
~G3A BGBd | efge dBAG | EAAG ABAG | EAAG A2DE | ~G3A BGBd | efge dBAG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2DE :|2 EGGF G2ga || |: ~b3g ~a3f | gage d2Bd | eaag abag | eaag a2ga | bg~g2 af~f2 | gage d2Bd | eg~g2 bgag |1 eggf g2ga :|2 eggf g2Bd || |: ~e3c d2dB | c2cA B2AG | EAAG ABAG | EAAG ABcd | ~e3c dedB | cA~A2 B2AG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2Bd :|2 EGGF G2DE || P:variations |: ~G3A BABd | edge dBAG | EA~A2 BGAG | EAAG AcGA | GFGA BABd | edge dBAG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2DE :|2 EGGF G2ga || |: bg~g2 agef | ~g3e d2Bd | ea~a2 bgag | eaag abga | ~b3g abaf | gage dGBd | eg~g2 bgag |1 eggf g2ga :|2 eggf g2Bd || |: ~e3c dedB | cA~A2 B2AG | EA~A2 BGAG | EAAG ABcd | ~e3c d2dB | c2cA B2AG | EG~G2 BGAG |1 EGGF G2Bd :|2 EGGF G2DE ||
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0:00  ( BPM)
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