The Earl's Chair

A reel in the key of Bm

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Earl's Chair
The tune was supposedly composed by an East Galway flute player and an uncle of Mike Rafferty named Pakie Moloney. He composed the tune while sitting on a big rock in the Derrycrag Wood, and first called it "Down between the two Derryoobers" - as he was sitting between the two townlands of Derryoober East and Derryoober West. He later thought better of it and changed the name to a shorter one, "The Earl's Chair," which was the name of the big rock - named after the Earl of Clanrickard who reportedly rested there during his hunts.
Need a tuner?
Sheet Music for "The Earl's Chair"The Earl's ChairreelPakie Moloney222040252204204404404520040122522040252204204025025050250050252025520502520025450205200400202232250235272520320520040Discography: Patrick Street 1.Mary MacNamara.Transcription: id:hn-reel-25History:The tune was supposedly composed by an East Galway flute player and anuncle of Mike Rafferty named Pakie Moloney. He composed the tune whilesitting on a big rock in the Derrycrag Wood, and first called it "Downbetween the two Derryoobers" - as he was sitting between the two townlandsof Derryoober East and Derryoober West. He later thought better of it andchanged the name to a shorter one, "The Earl's Chair," which was the nameof the big rock - named after the Earl of Clanrickard who reportedly restedthere during his hunts.
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Earl's Chair
X:939 T:Earl's Chair, The R:reel C:Pakie Moloney H:The tune was supposedly composed by an East Galway flute player and an H:uncle of Mike Rafferty named Pakie Moloney. He composed the tune while H:sitting on a big rock in the Derrycrag Wood, and first called it "Down H:between the two Derryoobers" - as he was sitting between the two townlands H:of Derryoober East and Derryoober West. He later thought better of it and H:changed the name to a shorter one, "The Earl's Chair," which was the name H:of the big rock - named after the Earl of Clanrickard who reportedly rested H:there during his hunts. D:Patrick Street 1. D:Mary MacNamara. Z:id:hn-reel-25 M:C| K:Bm
B2~B2 BAFA|B2dB BAFB|AF~F2 DF~F2|AFdB ADFA| B2dB BAFA|B2dB BAFB|AFAB defd|1 edef d3A:|2 edef d3f|| |:~e3f d2df|edef dBA2|~e3f dcde|fedB ADFA| ~e3f eB~B2|gB~B2 defg|afbf afeg|fedB ADFA:|
midi player
0:00  ( BPM)
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