The Cup of Tea

A reel in the key of Edor

Sheet music, mandolin tabs, banjo tabs, fiddle and accordion score for The Cup of Tea
Sometimes played as a two-part-only reel.
Need a tuner?
Loop & Slow down this tune and and other tune on YouTube withLoopTube so you can learn it by ear.
Abc notation for The Cup of Tea
X:977 T:Cup of Tea, The R:reel H:Sometimes played as a two-part-only reel. Z:id:hn-reel-63 M:C| K:Edor
BAGF EDEF|GEBE GBE=c|BAGF EDEG|(3FED AD FAD=c| BAGF EDEF|(3GFE BE GBE=c|BAGF GAB^c|1 dBAG FDD=c:|2 dBAG FDD2|| |:d2 (3efg fdec|dfeg fB~B2|d2 (3efg fdec|dBAG FDD2| d2 (3efg fdec|dfaf g2fg|afge fdec|dBAG FDD2:| |:FAdA FABA|FAdA FE~E2|~F3A BABc|dBAG FDD2| FAdA FABA|FAde fe~e2|fedc dBAF|1 GBAG FDD2:|2 GBAG FDD=c|| P:Variations: |:BAGF GEEF|GEBE GE~E2|BAGF GE~E2|DFAG FDDA| BAGF GE~E2|B,E~E2 GE~E2|BAGF GBe^c|1 dABG FDD=c:|2 dABG FDD2|| |:~d3e fgfe|dced fBBc|dcde fgfe|dABG FDD2| dcde fgfe|dfaf g2fg|afge fdec|dABG FDD2:| |:FAdA FABA|FAdA BE~E2|~F3A ~B3c|dBAG FDD2| FAdA FABA|FAde fe~e2|fedc dBAF|1 GBAG FDD2:|2 GBAG FDDA||